Linux, the Desktop, and Me

25 May, 2020

Over the years, I’ve read a lot about how Linux on the desktop is dead or dying. About how Linux hasn’t been gaining any traction on computers used ... well, used everywhere and by everyone. I’ve even heard more than a few people muse whether or not Linux is ready for the desktop.

To be honest, I don’t care about all those gloom and doom prognostications.


As I’ve been saying for a long time, Linux is ready for my desktop. It has been since the turn of the century. Using Linux and various pieces of free and open source software, I can do everything that I want and need to do on a computer. Write and publish? Definitely. Work with graphics? No problem. Play music and video? As long as there’s no DRM, all is better than good. Use the web? Obviously!

And, no, I only have to use the command line if I want to. I do every so often, but that’s another story.

For me, Linux just works. More to the point, it lets me work. It’s that simple. The experiences of others, the utterances of journalists and pundits, and the disbelief of people around me using Windows and Apple products don’t matter to me. What matters are my experiences and how Linux works for me.

Scott Nesbitt