A blog where I share my passion for Linux and open source, with a decidedly non-techie slant.


Getting to Know the StarLite Mark V

3 Text Editors for the Linux Command Line

Why Not Just Use …?

Two More Scratchpads for the Linux Desktop

Podcasting Apps for the Linux Desktop

Taking a Look at Feeds, a Minimalist RSS Reader

Reading ebooks with Arianna

A Trio of Useful Desktop Utilities

Quick Tip: Using du

Browsing the Web with Waterfox

Browsing Wikipedia on Your Desktop with Wike

Hosting Your Web Apps with PikaPods

An Introduction to GitUI

Reading Your RSS Feeds with NewsFlash

Quick Tip: Using cat

Using Linux on a Chromebook

Three More Useful Desktop Utilities

Browsing the Web with LibreWolf


Installing Applications with Flatpak and Snap

3 Useful Linux Terminal Commands

Using cURL and Wget to Download Files

Welcome to the New Home of Open Source Musings

Managing Your Personal Projects with Focalboard

Working with QOwnNotes

Using dict

Getting Organized with Planner

A Trio of Markdown Editors for the Linux Desktop

Welcome, OpenSource.net!

Yet Another 3 Useful Desktop Utilities

My Ideal FOSS Note Taking Tool

2 Desktop Password Management Tools

Create Presentation Slides with Spice-Up

A Restatement of Aims

4 Lightweight Email Clients for the Linux Desktop

Taking Notes on the Linux Desktop with Paper

Managing Your Tasks with TxDx

Another 3 Useful Desktop Utilities

Read It Later with Omnivore

2 Open Source Markdown Editors

3 Multi-factor Authentication Apps for the Linux Desktop

Where to Buy a Linux-Powered Computer

3 Password Management Tools for the Linux Desktop

Tip: Getting a Coloured Desktop Background in Zorin OS

Using Noodle

Taking Notes with V-Notes

3 More Useful Desktop Utilities


Taking Aim at Some elementary OS Myths and Misconceptions

Taking a Quick Peek at Zorin Connect

Mix in Some Cream to Make Vim a Bit Friendlier

On (Not) Dual Booting

Taking Notes with Iotas

Taking Zorin OS for a Spin

Check Your Spelling at the Command Line with Aspell

Taking a Look at the GNOME Text Editor

Another 3 Simple Utilities for elementary OS

Using more to View Text Files at the Command Line

On the Power User Fallacy (Again)

Taking a Look at Feather Wiki

Getting to Know the StarLite

Taking Your Calendar to the Command Line

4 Open Source Tools for Personal Publishing

Writing in Markdown with Mark Text

Taking Screen Captures from the CLI with Scrot

Managing Your Tasks with Nextcloud Tasks

Editing Text with Notepadqq

Quickly Scanning Documents with Document Scanner

Basic Image Editing with Pinta

How I Use the Command Line

Copy and Paste at the Command Line with xclip


On Linux for Ordinary Users

An Introduction to TiddlyWiki: A Wiki You Can Take Anywhere

Three Utilities for the elementary OS Desktop

3 Web Browsers for the Linux Command Line

Taking Notes with Nextcloud Notes

Checking the Weather Forecast at the Command Line

Read Your RSS Feeds with Communique

Browse the Web with Min

Writing in Markdown with Ghostwriter

Viewing Images with feh

A Quick Introduction to EtherCalc

Three Alternatives to LibreOffice Writer

Taking a Look at Nextcloud Calendar

Using ls

FOSS good enough? Definitely!

Getting (Re)Acquainted with Gnote

Quick Tip: Moving Around the Command Line

Check Your Spelling at the Command Line with Ispell

Three Useful Utilities for the Linux Desktop

8 Tips to Help Non-Techies Move to Linux

Playing Some PDF Tricks

To Self Host or Not?

Creating an ebook Chapter Template in LibreOffice Writer

Two Keyboard-Driven Note Taking Apps for the Linux Desktop

4 Markdown-Powered Slide Generators

A Trio of Useful Apps for elementary OS

Two Scratchpads for the Linux Desktop

Managing Your Todo List with Tasks for Android

3 Linux Command Line Music Players

Writing in Markdown with Apostrophe

Managing Your Online Passwords with Bitwarden

Taking Notes with Notes-Up

Playing Music (and a Bit More) with Byte

Organizing Yourself with Calcurse

Editing Text on the Linux Desktop with FeatherPad


Managing Your Work with Nextcloud Deck

3 Password Managers for the Linux Command Line

The Year of Linux on My Desktop

Creating Outlines in elementary OS with Outliner

Making the Switch to elementary OS

Taking a Look at a Pair of Alternatives to Emacs and vim

Collaborating with others, in real time, with EtherPad

How to Create a LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet to Track Your Monthly Expenses

How to Quickly Combine PDFs at the Linux Command Line

Editing HTML (and More) with Bluefish

Quickly Creating Documents Using Templates in GNOME

Creating EPUB Files with wallabag

Two Tools for Manipulating PDFs on the Linux Desktop

Taking a Look at Learn Linux in a Month of Lunches

Another Way to Convert Files at the Command Line with LibreOffice

Converting Word Processor Files at the Command Line with LibreOffice Writer

Quickly Creating Screencasts with Peek

Organizing Your Information with Joplin

Open Source on Closed Platforms

3 Desktop Wikis to Help Organize Your Information

Taking Another Look at Geany

Using Nextcloud as a Personal Hub

Browsing the Web with GNOME Web

5 Productivity Apps for the Elementary OS Desktop

Linux, the Desktop, and Me

Getting Organized at the Command Line with WTF

3 Lightweight Text Editors for the Linux Desktop

Taking Notes Securely with Turtl

Taking Screenshots with The GIMP

A Non-Techie's Introduction to SSH and SCP

Reading RSS feeds at the Command Line with Newsboat

A Quick and Dirty Guide to Creating an EPUB with Pandoc

Keeping a Journal at the Command Line with jrnl

Taking (Another) Look at Elementary OS

Securing Your Passwords with KeePassXC

Renaming and Removing Files and Folders at the Command Line


Three eBook Readers for the Linux Desktop

Choosing a Text Editor

Listening to Music on the Linux Desktop with Clementine

4 Android Apps for Writers

It's All About Giving Back

Taking Aim at 6 Myths and Whines Surrounding Linux

A Few Useful Linux Command Line Tips

Writing in Markdown with ReText

3 To-do List Managers for the Linux Command Line

Easing into Open Source

Managing Your ebooks with calibre

Taking a Peek at Seven Command Line Tools for Writers

Why I Write About the Command Line

Taking a Peek at Some Open Source Software for Writers

The Beauty of Linux

What is a Linux User?

Organizing Your Ideas (and more) with Calculist

Launching Your Applications with Kupfer

Using pygmynote to Manage Your Information

Creating Command Line Aliases

I Don't Care

Talking Ubuntu Touch and UBports with Dalton Durst